Friday, January 22, 2010

My Ag Leadership Journey

First off, to give everyone a background on how I got to this point... I figured I would give some details on my Ag Leadership experience.

I have learned more about myself and my personality than I dreamed possible. I have learned how my personality interacts with others, and how I can effectively lead. It also has opened my eyes to national and global issues. Who would have thought a rancher from Bella Vista would be so interested in the banking system in China! This program has given me the tools to keep learning with my eyes wide open.

I'll admit, I was getting stuck in a rut. I was focused on putting out fires, getting through day to day activities and not thinking about the big picture. Our business is chaotic- it's hard to organize agricultural management as new challenges are posed each and every day. Just when you think you have things under control, your phone rings and it's the neighbor informing you that you've got a bunch of cows out...

I'll put up a series of posts regarding specific experiences I've had in Ag Leadership. I hope to cover some highlights before I journey to Peru & Ecuador. If anything, bringing me back to the moment might help me better understand the content. Sometimes you need to let the information marinate a bit before you can fully digest it.

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