Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Haven't posted much since I've been back home. I've considered it, but work deadlines (argh, gotta get this appraisal done!), baby and the CPA wife in tax season keep me pretty busy this time of year. Last weekend had a few rounds of friends over to share some Peruvian food (ceviche!), try my hand at Pisco Sours and go through the slide show journey.

I was just asked to select five pictures for our 'synthesis' session next week. It wasn't easy picking five, so I just closed my eyes, and tried to recall some of the more memorable aspects of the trip. From that, I tried to select different pictures that represented those experiences. Were they the five best pictures of the trip? No. They meant something to me, that's all that counts. I get to explain these five different pictures to members of my class. I'm looking forward to seeing what others selected.

In addition to this, I need to start working on a 20 minute presentation. I have been asked to talk for the Redding Sunrise Rotary on my experience and had another request to talk in a public forum. As usual, my response was a yes! Need to start thinking about the powerpoint... better yet, I better get back to work!

1 comment:

  1. James, I've so enjoyed looking through your photos and experiencing Ecuador and Peru through your photos and comments. I loved seeing all the fresh, bright, and diverse produce.....I always marvel at the wonder of meat in open-air markets in Less Developed Countries. The meat looked beautiful, nonetheless. Thank you for taking the time to chronicle your trip! And welcome home :)
